Shining Starlight: Our CEO Reigns as the “Man of Excellence in Philanthropy” at Ghana’s Premier Business Summit and Awards 2023!

We are delighted to announce the well-deserved recognition of our Founder and CEO, Isaac Opoku, who has been honoured with the prestigious “Man of Excellence in Philanthropy” award for the third consecutive year (2021-2023) across three countries. Throughout the years, the Starlight Foundation has been steadfast in its commitment to various educational initiatives aimed at…

#MensoMekaHoBi: Illuminating Lives, Inspiring Change, and Creating a Pathway to Success

In a groundbreaking achievement for the Menso Meka Ho Bi project, the first cohort has concluded with resounding success. The exceptional outcomes and transformative impact have surpassed all expectations, leading to an exciting development for the future of underprivileged children in the Teshie area. Building upon this triumph, Adamfo Ghana, our esteemed partners, have extended…